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Our Work

CapCO2 Solutions and ethanol facilities are a natural partnership. 

Detailed GREET Analysis

CapCO2 Solutions will bring a Carbon Intensity (CI) reduction of approximately 25 points to ethanol facilities. Results need to be verified for each ethanol plant with a detailed analysis. Figure is based on an example analysis conducted by a third-party.

CapCO2 uses innovative technology that captures existing CO2 at ethanol facilities and upgrades it onsite to green methanol. This profitable net-zero fuel is transported by rail or over the road by trucks to the customer.


Green methanol’s demand is increasing; it is used as an ingredient in many consumer products and the shipping industry is pivoting to use this to fuel their ships.​


We are collaborating with agricultural communities to provide a solution to lower CI scores while generating additional revenues at ethanol facilities.

To review the full detailed report, complete the form below or submit a request via email

Ethanol Facilities

Ethanol plants are well-suited for CapCO2's innovative technology to produce green methanol.


CapCO2 Solutions cuts carbon intensity at the ethanol facilities.

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Green methanol is produced at the ethanol facilities on-site in CapCO2's methanol modules.

Green Methanol

Methanol is used in thousands of everyday products.


The green methanol is a valuable net-zero fuel. The shipping industry is pivoting to use this to fuel their ships.

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